Actors of CONECT
Within the INT, many components of CONECT already exist, either carried by researchers in computational neurosciences or as themes strongly anchored in this field. A survey of the current situation reveals the existence of projects at different scales.
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- from the cellular to the network level
- deciphering the biophysical principles underlying robustness of neuronal activity using quantitative genotype-to-phenotype mapping strategies and realistic neuronal model databases (Jean-Marc Goaillard).
- dynamics and function of small and large-scale neural networks: Laurent Perrinet with Frédéric Chavane, Matthieu Gilson)
- from networks to mesoscopic levels :
- Bayesian inference and predictive process models (Anna Montagnini, Emmanuel Daucé and Laurent Perrinet), reinforcement learning, action selection, decision Andrea Brovelli and Emmanuel Daucé), link with attentional mechanisms (Guilhem Ibos)
- information theory and functional connectivity for the analysis of cognitive brain networks (Andrea Brovelli, Matthieu Gilson) and Bruno Giordano)
- deep learning for data processing (Bruno Giordano), deep learning + neuroimaging (in voice perception) (Charly Lamothe) computational neuroscience and data processing in neuroinformatics (Sylvain Takerkart, NIT platform)
- at brain level
- brain anatomy, particularly as applied to the formation of cortical folding (Julien Lefèvre with Guillaume Auzias, Sylvain Takerkart and Olivier Coulon),
- the development of prognostic models of the evolution of certain pathologies (Lionel Velly, Sylvain Takerkart),
- develop the collaboration of theoretical neurosciences with neuroinformatics, notably with the NIT (Sylvain Takerkart, Guillaume Auzias)
A structuring of these different components through a center (independent of existing and future teams) would be a major asset to reach a new stage in the creation of INT³.