2023-01-05 : CONECT seminar by Guillaume Dumas

“Multilevel Development of Cognitive Abilities in an Artificial Neural Network”.

2023-01-05 14:00

During this CONECT seminar, Guillaume Dumas will present his recent work on “Multilevel Development of Cognitive Abilities in an Artificial Neural Network”:

Several neuronal mechanisms have been proposed to account for the formation of cognitive abilities through postnatal interactions with the physical and socio-cultural environment. Here, we introduce a three-level computational model of information processing and acquisition of cognitive abilities. We propose minimal architectural requirements to build these levels and how the parameters affect their performance and relationships. The first sensorimotor level handles local nonconscious processing, here during a visual classification task. The second level or cognitive level globally integrates the information from multiple local processors via long-ranged connections and synthesizes it in a global, but still nonconscious manner. The third and cognitively highest level handles the information globally and consciously. It is based on the Global Neuronal Workspace (GNW) theory and is referred to as conscious level. We use trace and delay conditioning tasks to, respectively, challenge the second and third levels. Results first highlight the necessity of epigenesis through selection and stabilization of synapses at both local and global scales to allow the network to solve the first two tasks. At the global scale, dopamine appears necessary to properly provide credit assignment despite the temporal delay between perception and reward. At the third level, the presence of interneurons becomes necessary to maintain a self-sustained representation within the GNW in the absence of sensory input. Finally, while balanced spontaneous intrinsic activity facilitates epigenesis at both local and global scales, the balanced excitatory-inhibitory ratio increases.

More info: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2201304119

Keywords: computational biology, dynamical systems, medical machine learning (ML), neuroscience, AI ethics

Guillaume Dumas is an Associate Professor of Computational Psychiatry in the Faculty of Medicine at the Université de Montréal, and the Principle Investigator of the Precision Psychiatry and Social Physiology laboratory at the CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center. He holds the IVADO professorship for “AI in Mental Health”, and the FRQS J1 in “AI and Digital Health”.
Laurent U Perrinet
Laurent U Perrinet
Researcher in Computational Neuroscience

My research interests include Machine Learning and computational neuroscience applied to Vision.